*Spoiler Alert!*
If you haven't already watched the latest episode of TVD and don't want to know what happened then stop reading now!
For all of you people that have, I think you'll agree when I say OMG! I can't believe how they ended the episode, can you?
I honestly don't know what a dead man in Stefan's box means? Does this mean he switched his humanity of AGAIN, and became the Rippahhhhh?
Silas is once again being an a*s! But I loved the scene when Jeremy started to fight with Silas! What happened to the drugged up loner kid from the first season? Well I love this new Jeremy!
Well, if you want to see the promo for next weeks episode here it is;
Short promo but that was so effective! I can't wait for next week's episode, can you?
Love, Hannah.xo